Flowmeters- Electromagnetic, Mass, Ultrasonic, Variable Area, DP, Vortex Level Transmitters- FMCW Radar, TDR Guided Radar, Ultrasonic, Magnetic Bypass. Level Switches- Vibration, Conductive, Electromagnetic. Pressure Measurement- Gauge, Differential, Absolute. Temperature Measurement-Transmitters. Analytical- pH / ORP, Conductivity, Free Chlorine, Accessories. Inline Spectroscopic, Rheometer
United Electric Controls provides pressure, differential pressure, and temperature transmitters, switches, temperature sensors, and controls for critical safety, alarm and shutdown functions demanded by the heavy process industries.

Temperature Controllers, Process Control, Power Control, Recorders and Data Acquisition, Machine Control, PLC and PAC, I/O Signal Conditioning, Products for Heat treat
Pressure Gauges, Process, Liquid Filled, Test, General Equipment, Special Application, Diaphragm Seals, Pressure Transmitters & Transducers, Pneumatic Pressure Controllers, Temperature Products, Ultra High Purity
Pressure Gauges, Pressure Transmitters, Pressure Switches, Diaphragm Seals, Thermometers, RTD’s and Thermocouples, Thermowells, Accessories
Direct Drive Pressure Gauges, Switch Gauges, Receiver Gauges, Refrigeration, Sanitary, Skydrol, Precision Test Gauges, Low Pressure, Diaphragm, Isolator, Filled System Thermometers, Pressure Calibrators, Digital Pressure Gauges
Melt Pressure Transducers and Transmitters for plastic extrusion, Petrochemical / Resin, Injection Molding. Pressure, Temperature, Rupture Discs, Melt plugs, Accessories
Instrumentation Fittings and Valves, CNG Products, Quick Connects, Tube Fittings, Pipe Fittings, Ball Valves, Check Valves, Plug Valves, Needle Valves, Manifold Valves, Bleed Valves
Single and Multi-Point Level Sensors, Continuous Level Transmitters, Visual Level Indicators, Flow Switches and Sensors, Pressure Switches and Transducers, Warrick Conductivity Sensors, Solenoid Valves
Practical Instrument Electronics (PIE) is the technology leader in Process Loop Calibrators. Practical Instruments manufactures the leading edge in Milliamp (mA), Voltage (V), RTD, Thermocouple (T/C), and Multifunction handheld calibrators.
Pentair’s Anderson Greenwood brand offers hand valves, gauge valves, manifolds, and primary isolation valves for use in instrumentation flow and pressure measurement applications
Flow meters for measuring liquids, steam and gases. Positive Displacement / Nutating Disc, Oscillating Piston, Smart PD, Turbine Water Meters, Forcemeter Target Meter, Open Channel Flowmeter
Flow measurement: Turbine meters for liquid and gas applications. Positive Displacement, Insertion Turbine, Paddle Wheel, Totalizers, Flow Computers & Transmitters, Micro Valve, Level Controls, Temperature Controller
Thermowells, Orifice Plates, Bleed and Flush Rings, Level Chambers, Seal Pots, Needle Valves, Manifold Valves
Pressure, Flow, Temperature, Data Loggers and Recorders, Valves, Air Quality, Air Velocity, Level, Process Control, Test Equipment